The Chip Bag

What is content? Why is content?

I spent a few days doing the website equivalent of cleaning your house to avoid doing more important things — in my case, I rewrote the entire backend for this blog, made a cute new design for it, made a pile of color schemes for the cute new design, and rewrote some posts as I transferred them over. Whew! All of that without writing one blog post.

I've drafted and scrapped a few posts over the past month but felt generally unsatisfied with everything. I noticed as I was migrating posts that worshipping at the altar of long-form content had led me to pad posts out with verbose internet-recipe-style bullshit without realizing. That's not a stylistic choice I want to stick with! So the blog now accommodates what I will describe as "medium-form content." I can put cuts into longer posts to keep the front page from turning into an infinite scroll-y mess, but shorter posts can be displayed in their entirety.

I also signed up for Blaugust to see if external motivation/peer pressure will motivate me to get over myself and write more. This might be a terrible mistake since a new school year is starting (and I'm still working on that M.Ed while I toil in the salt mines for 50+ hour weeks) but I'll give it a go just on principle.